Starting on Valentine’s Day and culminating on Harmony Day, is designed to celebrate connection and unity. We’ll be weaving this theme into our classes and workshops to create a shared experience.
Below is the outline of weekly themes, Please take the time to read, connect and sign up in advance to gain the best from each session.
We plan to host a Dance Yoga class and a Kirtan gathering so tune in & feel free to share with your fam, friend, and community.
Thank you for all the love and care you bring to this community.
Here’s to a beautiful season of exploring relationships and deepening
Week 1: Ahimsa (Non-Harming) | Feb 14 – 22 Gentle grounding & hip opening poses | 3-par yogic breath | Body Scan
Week 2: Satya (Truthfulness) | Feb 23 – Mar 1 Balancing poses & twists | Ujjayi breath | Mindfulness / Witnessing without judgment
Week 3: Maitri (Loving-Kindness) | Mar 2 – 8 Partner work | Sama vritti breath | Metta meditation
Week 4: Svadhyaya (Self-Study) | Mar 9 – 15 Arm balances & inversions | Nadi Shodhana | Japa / Mantra meditation
Week 5: Bhakti (Devotion) | Mar 16 – 22 Heart-opening backbends | Bhramari breath & chanting | Heart Space meditation
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