This once-a-week class introduces you to the Ashtanga system. This flowing form of movement which matches the breath to a set series of postures to create heat, strength, stability and flexibility in the body. It becomes a practice which purifies body and mind, approached in a manner in which we devote our attention to being present on our mat with our breath.This Ashtanga Yoga covers the dynamic sun salutes, standing and seated postures, inverted postures, core muscular locks (bandhas) and active breathing (ujjayi). A good way to begin practising Ashtanga yoga particularly as a prelude to Ashtanga Led classes.
Eventually, this sequence is practised at your own pace with the teacher helping each person individually – this is called ‘Mysore style’.
We offer two options:
Ashtanga for beginners, 6 classes, once a week – $190
Ashtanga 6 classes + 6 of any other classes, from the range that studio offers, enabling you to have more self practice – $330